Wednesday, July 2, 2008

What are the water issues where you live?

Today it is reported that a couple in Sacramento was fined $746.00 for allowing their lawn to go brown as a public health nuissance while respecting Governor Schwarzeneggers declaration of a drought. Do consider checking for drought resistance landscapes.

Organic Sacramento led the way to get the city to change its mind about allowing Sacramentoan to grow food on their own front lawns. This was a 3 year effort- but they did it. Perhaps they can get this drought fine removed too- what do you think?

Caller on the Angie Coiro show on http// today mentioned Silicon Valley has an incentive to take out natural lawns to replace them with a water saving landscape instead. I have known this to be true in Southern California, where artificial turf is being put in.

Though, why not use the lawn for food as in the documentary , the plan that worked to get Cuba off oil altogether.

allaboutsustainableamerica: What to bring to the Move Event & Handouts Needed

allaboutsustainableamerica: What to bring to the Move Event & Handouts Needed

Monday, June 30, 2008

Synthetic Skies....? What are they and what do you believe?

The subject of Synthetic Skies is becoming a stir, especially in light of the 1000+ fires burning in Northern California. Who do you believe is behind these and what is their motivation?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What will make a strong sustainable america?

Welcome to my All About Sustainable America!

We can do it! We can get off non renewable resources!

Your thoughts here:)